(Gloria, Ruby, Janie, Marjorie, Brenda, Frank, Barbara)
Thanks to the Pot Luck Planners:
Debbie, Maxine and Lydia
And socialized indoors and out
(Sharon, Andrew and friends)
and ate some more (Marion, Lauria, Joan, Steve, Prudence & Debbie
as Rosa prepared the raffle, Olivia sat in and Marie staffed the welcome desk
Sue & Laura led singing
as Marjorie, Gabrielle, Marlene, Loretta, Janie, Mae & Sheila studied the wordsAnd folks chatted outdoors (Melissa Mark Viverito, Laura, Steve & Joan)
Kathy, Patricia and Prudence
We admired (and then dug into) the "50 WEST TENANTS" and U.S. Flag cakes brought by Paul,
And drank Marlene's punch.