Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Sign a petition - and let's get the NYS Assembly on our side

The NYS rent laws expire this June, 2015. Tell our lawmakers in Albany we need stronger laws to protect and preserve affordable housing - including putting market-rate apartments back into rent stabilization. 
SIGN and SHARE : Bit.ly/RentRegsWork
We have already lost hundreds of thousands of rent stabilized and rent controlled units due to weak regulations -- we cannot afford to lose one more.

Recently, the new Speaker of the Assembly, Carl Heastie, said that passing stronger rent laws is his #1 Priority this year! That’s good news, but we need to let him know that we’re counting on him to fight for us. Please click this link to sign the petition (and feel free to add a line about why affordable housing is important for your family in the comments section!).
Click HERE to sign TODAY, and urge all your friends, neighbors and family members to sign also!
Carl Heastie, Speaker of the New York State Assembly
I was pleased to read that strengthening the rent regulations that keep homes affordable for over one million families like mine is your “#1 Priority”.

As you know, under your predecessor, weakening of these laws caused a loss of 300,000 to 400,000 rent-regulated homes, and we cannot afford to lose any more.

Renting families in the city and suburban counties are counting on you to stand strong for a renewal of our rent laws that includes a full repeal of Vacancy Deregulation; closes loopholes like preferential rent; and funds Major Capital Improvements with temporary surcharges instead of permanent rent hikes.

Thank you,