421a Stay Away!
Rally with the Alliance for Tenant Power
and the Real Rent Reform Campaign
[rally postponed due to snow]
and the Real Rent Reform Campaign
[rally postponed due to snow]
Meet at 58th St. and 5th Ave.
near the luxury condominium One57
11 AM Sharp!
The 421a tax abatement giveaway for luxury housing that takes $1 billion in tax revenue each year from NYC has expired! Join us to let Governor Cuomo know that tenants say NO! to a resuscitation of 421a without stronger rent laws.
Let's come together to protect our communities and keep New York affordable.
On February 5th, you can make a difference!
#1 Million Homes
#1 Million Homes
2.5 Million Tenants
Join the movement.
Contact Tenants & Neighbors
dglover@tandn.org 212-608-4320