Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Don't renew 421a tax breaks for developers unless rent laws are strengthened

421a Stay Away!  
Rally with the Alliance for Tenant Power 
and the Real Rent Reform Campaign 
[rally postponed due to snow]
Meet at 58th St. and 5th Ave.
near the luxury condominium One57
11 AM Sharp!

NYC Tenants, Let's Rally!

The 421a tax abatement giveaway for luxury housing that takes $1 billion in tax revenue each year from NYC has expired! 

Join us to let Governor Cuomo know that tenants say NO! to a resuscitation of  421a without stronger rent laws.

Let's come together to protect our communities and keep New York affordable.

On February 5th, you can make a difference!

#1 Million Homes
2.5 Million Tenants
Join the movement.

Contact Tenants & Neighbors
dglover@tandn.org 212-608-4320