Thursday, January 25, 2018

Summary of the January 17, 2018 Tenants Meeting

COMING UP: Valentine's Day table on Feb. 10th
and ShapeUp NYC (Free!) on Feb. 12th

NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer said that President has changed the dynamic of the City and State. The new tax law (see below) is part of that change.  He discussed several campaigns he’s working on, with a little historical background.

Permanently affordable housing.
In the 1930’s and 40's, NY’s Mayor LaGuardia developed NYCHA housing with large federal investment. In the 1950's and 1960's, the City and State developed Mitchell-Lama housing (like this building used to be). But under Mayor Bloomberg, the developed housing wasn’t affordable, and Mayor de Blasio is working, the Comptroller says, too closely with mid-town developers. The Comptroller would like to see the City invest in permanently affordablehousing on the vacant space we have, to be run by community-based organizationsand funded by housing and land trusts.  Private developers who have to pay their investors cannot develop as cheaply as groups that do not.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer this Wed. in our Community Room

Come hear him Jan. 17 at 8 PM

He'll talk about the pros and cons of rent payments as part of our credit record, and about other issues he's raised recently, including NYC's divestment from fossil fuels, recent heat disasters at NYCHA, and more.  

ALL tenants welcome!