Barbara Geller is the new representative for Bloomingdale Aging in Place (BAiP), an all-volunteer group on the Upper West Side for anyone 18 and over. BAiP has seminars and workshops - and also walking tours, trips to museums and restaurants (for after the pandemic), physical fitness classes of all types (now all on zoom) and many, many more activities. Membership is free, and you should join! If you have questions, email Barbara (her first and last names followed by "NYC" at aol dot com). Speaking of free physical fitness, ShapeUpNYC is holding various free activities in the parks.
We remembered Abe Pitsirilos, who died suddenly on March 27, 2021.
Then we heard from Assembly Member Daniel O'Donnell. Danny has recently sponsored two bills that are coming to fruition: one to restore voting rights to people released from prison, and one to ban the use of fracking products to de-ice our roads.
Danny spoke about the NYS budget, the largest ever. He thanked U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer for ensuring that NY got (will get) a lot of federal money.
The budget includes, among other things
- $4 billion for NYC schools
- $2.3 billion for rent relief, with money for public housing and more
- a fund for excluded workers - who frequently pay taxes and pay into the state's unemployment insurance plan but can't make claims because of their status.
- $40 million for the arts
- $100 million in revolving credit so that businesses that only operate seasonally can keep afloat.