Monday, April 25, 2016

Come to Our Next Pot Luck: Saturday, May 21, 2016!

Central Park Gardens Tenants’ Association

Annual Pot-Luck Party
our Building Staff.
Bring a dish for 8-10 people or help out
Just come share in the fun for a small fee: 
$10 per person
$15 per household (we’ll have a little kids’ corner)     (Non-tenant guests are $10 each)

Community Room
Saturday, May 21, 2016
6 pm to 9 pm

Please tell your floor captain or Tish Howard what you plan to do or bring.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

RGB Hearings - Testify on Thurs., March 21, 2016

Rent Guidelines Board: 
Tenant Testimony    April 21, 2016 from 1-3 PM

David N. Dinkins Municipal Building
next to the Brooklyn Bridge
Landmarks Preservation Commission, Conference Room
New York, NY 10007

Every Spring, the NYC Rent Guidelines Board (RGB) has hearings with landlord and tenant testimony to determine whether and how much to increase rent stabilized rents when leases are renewed. Last year, the RGB froze the rents for those signing a 1-year lease renewal because for the previous 40 years, landlord increases had far exceeded inflation and actual costs.  We need the RGB to freeze or even roll back the rents for 2-year lease renewals.

You can testify and should. What can you say?  
  • Your name and where you live
  • How a rent increase will affect you. 

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Construction dust? Call 311 early and often!

When landlords do construction in a building, they are required to reasonably protect tenants from the dust and noise.  That means, at the least, putting a plastic sheet over the door or any holes in the wall.    Stellar is NOT doing that. 

Please call 311 to file a dust complaint with Healthy Homes at the Department of Health or a construction complaint with the Department of Buildings.  You can do it anonymously.  But do give the name of our building manager: Niti Jakupaj, 212-222-4430.  

Then forward the complaint reference number to sue [at ] janak[dot] org. 

Let's protect ourselves from lead dust and other hazards!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Board Meeting (Floor Captains welcome!) - Wed., April 13, 2016

Board Members and Floor Captains 
Come to the meeting this evening!

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Summary of the Mar. 23, 2016 General Tenants Meeting


NYC Urban Park Ranger spoke on the wildlife around us. Ranger Rob Mastrianni told us
to enjoy wildlife – like raccoons and hawks, at a distance.  Mama raccoons, normally nocturnal, have been known to forage entire boxes of pizza from park tables during the day to feed their young. The birds of prey we see help keep our ecosystem humming, as they eat rats, mice and pigeons.  He showed us plastic models of hawk, eagle, and owl skulls – and how big their eyes are compared to ours.   Scared of raccoons or badgers you meet in the park? Jingle your keys. Hawks and other birds of prey are more scared of us – but keep your tiny dog off the balcony if you’ve seen a hawk there.
The NYC Parks Department has wonderful programsbird watching in the snow, camp-outs for kids, and more, all year round.

Each June, after a series of hearings, the Rent Guidelines Board determines rent increase percentages for all rent stabilized tenants in NYC. The RGB’s first meeting this year is Thursday, April 7, 2016 at 10 AM – and a coalition of groups is rallying before the meeting in lower Manhattan at 1 Centre Street, 9 AM.    

Among other things, we need an evening hearing closer to where we live.  

The RGB determined last year that cumulative rent increases for the past 30 years or so far exceeded inflation and actual landlord costs for the same period of time. So the RGB ordered a “rent freeze” (no increase) for those renewing for 1 year.  But if the increases were too big, why did those renewing for 2 years (as is our choice) have to pay an increase?  Roll back the rents!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Wed., March 23: Urban Wildlife Expert at our General Tenants Meeting

Central Park Gardens Tenants’ Association



at our


8 PM


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Don't renew 421a tax breaks for developers unless rent laws are strengthened

421a Stay Away!  
Rally with the Alliance for Tenant Power 
and the Real Rent Reform Campaign 
[rally postponed due to snow]
Meet at 58th St. and 5th Ave.
near the luxury condominium One57
11 AM Sharp!

NYC Tenants, Let's Rally!

The 421a tax abatement giveaway for luxury housing that takes $1 billion in tax revenue each year from NYC has expired! 

Join us to let Governor Cuomo know that tenants say NO! to a resuscitation of  421a without stronger rent laws.

Let's come together to protect our communities and keep New York affordable.

On February 5th, you can make a difference!

#1 Million Homes
2.5 Million Tenants
Join the movement.

Contact Tenants & Neighbors 212-608-4320