Friday, January 20, 2017

Jan. 18 2017 meeting was terrific! Summary and updates here.

The General Tenants Meeting was well attended, and we congratulate all the members of the election committee, including Rich Jordan and Letty Orellano, and the new Board (at the end of this summary).

Valentine's Day is coming soon.  To make sure you have something sweet for all the sweeties in your life,  pick up some chocolates at our 

tenant association table in the lobby 
Saturday, February 11th 
from 11 AM to 5 PM, 
and leave your 2017 dues ($10/apartment) and legal fund contributions ($100 - payable as you can afford it).  

If construction noise is WAY too loud, call 311 and send your complaint number to Sue. 

Our Speaker: 
To a packed house, Thomas Mellins spoke about the history of the Upper West Side - from the days it was mainly rural (before Central Park was constructed), up to now.  He explained the never-ending tension between private developers and government regulation which is often spurred by community activism and a progressive social vision.  (Look at some of Tom's books for a historical perspective by decade.)  Interestingly, the first regulation was not for affordability but for sanitation: Better ventilation and plumbing for the poor meant less tuberculosis and malaria to infect the rich who lived nearby.  

The 10,000 or so people who had lived in what became Central Park in the 1850's became residents of the Upper West Side. The park itself was not completed until 1873.

Corruption in the construction of what became Park West Village across the street from us may have been the first crack in the armor of renovation czar Robert Moses,  But Park West Village was consistent with the general policy of putting public housing and private affordable housing near each other in NYC, so that those displaced by construction might find a place to live.  

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Hear historian & curator Tom Mellins about our neighborhood - Jan. 18 2017


The Upper West Side in Transition

Hear historian and curator THOMAS MELLINS
on our changing neighborhood

WED., JAN. 18, 2017 at 8 PM 
in the Community Room.

Tenant elections first.


WHO is Thomas Mellins? 

Monday, December 12, 2016

Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Sunday, November 20, 2016

Summary of November 16 2016 Meeting

BALLOTS for our Tenant Association election - Jan. 18, 2017

We distributed ballots for the tenant association elections coming up on January 18, 2017. If you would like to run for the board or for the executive committee, please email Sue ( at  ) janak  dot  org.

POSSIBLE MAJOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT (MCI) increase coming after balcony repairs.  Stellar has sought permits to repair our balconies.  In other buildings, that has meant an MCI.  It won't be for a couple of years, we think, but we're gearing up to fight it.  So please contribute to our Legal Fund!  Contact your floor captain or our treasurer, Joan.

  • If you have bedbugs and Stellar's exterminator is not coming, let the Executive Committee know.
  • Don't let anyone take up broken floor tiles. They contain asbestos.  Ask Stellar to cover them with other flooring.

LARRY WOOD spoke.  Larry is Director of Organizing at Goddard Riverside. Goddard is a settlement house with some 20+ projects and programs, including the Senior Center at 598
Columbus Avenue and the arts center - and after-school program -  at 647 Columbus Avenue.  It has been around for 30 years and provides representation for tenants, social works, and more.  Larry has worked the gamut and has served in groups working toward building and preserving affordable housing funded by the federal, state, and city governments.  He has worked on the Right to Counsel campaign, the Real Rent Reform campaign, and more.  More than that, he has been a dedicated and sane voice int eh tenant activist community.   

The federal elections are changing the course of the government in Washington, but we also voted for state representatives.  As has been the case for the past few decades, the Democrats control the Assembly and the Republicans control the State Senate.  

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

How will the elections affect us? Nov. 16, 2016 - come to our General Tenants Meeting

National elections, State elections, and soon Tenant Association elections

Come to our 

Wed., Nov. 16, 2016
in the Community Room at 8 PM.

We'll share thoughts, hear from an expert, and see how you can make a difference here.  Volunteer to run for our board or executive committee!

Monday, November 7, 2016

VOTE on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016: 040/69

Our polling place is P.S. 163, on the north side of 97th Street between Columbus and
Amsterdam Avenues.  

It is open from 6 AM to 9 PM on Tuesday, November 8th.

Our ED (Election District) is 040
Our Assembly District is 69

This election is very important for us as a society and as tenants.

Please encourage your friends and family to vote.  If the State Senate should get a Democratic majority (not counting the "Independent Democratic Conference" who caucus with the Republicans), there is a better chance of serious progress on pro-tenant bills.