Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Know your risks

Sunday, May 10, 2020

COVID, rent increases (or not), voting, and more

The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting us all.  Some tenants in this building who have had it have recovered.  Many have lost their jobs and couldn't pay the rent - some for the first time in their lives. Tenants who work in health care have been asked to extend themselves beyond human capability. Those in social work are overwhelmed by the need. Along with students, teachers are at home, leaving parents with a renewed appreciation for them. Some of our neighborhood's most vulnerable seniors (we're not aware of any in this building so far) have died alone. The challenge for us all, now, is to continue to adhere to social distancing recommendations and engage in activities that will promote and sustain us all in good physical and emotional health.  [The Park West Village Tenant Association newsletter said this well, so I've copied much of its newsletter wording.]  

Because people with no symptoms at all can spread COVID-19, PLEASE WEAR A MASK OUTSIDE YOUR APARTMENT:  The more people wear masks, the more layers between people breathing, and the more protection for people who are more vulnerable to the virus. And try to have no more than 1 person (or household) in the elevator at a time. It's a small space.  If you have an emergency and someone else is already on the elevator, please ask them to get out on your floor so you can take it. 

While the pandemic continues, the tenant association won't have any in-person meetings, and our annual Pot Luck Party will be delayed.  But the tenant association's executive committee is still available by email ( to answer your questions and concerns and read your suggestions. 

Meanwhile, there have been some legal changes that affect us (or will).