Wednesday, February 29, 2012

SCRIE clinicto FREEZE RENT for Seniors 62 or older on limited income

For Current Recipients and Those Interested in the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) Program

With the New York City Departments of Finance and Housing Preservation and Development

Thursday, March 8, 2012
3:00-7:00 PM

District Office of Assemblymember Linda B. Rosenthal
230 West 72nd Street, Suite 2F
(between Broadway and West End Avenue)

If you are 62 or older and are a rent-stabilized tenant, you may be eligible to have your rent frozen!

Assemblymember Linda B. Rosenthal, her staff and representatives from the Department of Finance and Department of Housing Preservation and Development will assist with filling out applications and answering any questions regarding the program or application process.

No Appointment Necessary.
Contact 212-873-6368 or with any questions.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tenants Renée Flemings & Sal Carolei in Benefit Production

You're invited to a benefit performance by our neighbors Renée Flemings and Sal Carolei for the Jan Hus Homeless Outreach and Advocacy Program.

"From The Front Porch"
  • Wednesday 2/29/12 
  • at the Jan Hus Playhouse, 351 E. 74th Street, (between 1st 7 2nd Avenue)
General tickets are $20.00, all proceeds are to benefit the program.
VIP tickets for $30.00 or 
Discount tickets if you're able to make a donation of clothing to the program.

Tickets are available through

From the Front Porch
written & performed by Renée' Flemings
 featuring classic blues and the soulful sounds of the summers of the sixties and seventies...

Mario Sprouse- Musical Director/keyboards
Paul Bauman- guitar
Salvatore Carolei-blues harp

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Neighbor: Pat Neely performs Feb. 16

Gotham Early Music Scene

Abendmusik ~ Thursday, February 16 at 7 pm

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 65th Street and Central Park West

Suggested donation
$20 ~ General
$10 ~ Students $ Seniors
Email for more info or call 212-877-6815
Germany Finds its Voice in the 17th Century   
Mezzo Soprano: Jacqueline Horner Kwiatek
Featuring Jacqueline Horner Kwiatek, mezzo soprano
Judson Griffin and Małgorzata Ziemnicka, violin

Patricia Ann Neely, Carlene Stober, and Elizabeth Weinfield,
   viola da gamba

Rick Erickson, chamber organ
 . . . .
This concert features the repertoire of Scheidt, Schutz, Buxtehude, Rosenmuller, Hammerschmidt, Schwartzkopf, and Leopoldus I; composers influenced by the continental Europeans.  . . . The concert features the mezzo soprano Jacqueline Horner Kwiatek.
Hammerschmidt – Paduan and Gailliard in d minor
Buxtehude – Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin
Rosenmuller – Sonata @ 5, In te Domine, and
     Lieber Herr Gott
Schutz – Erbarm dich mein
Schwartzkopf – Pieces à tre viole di gambe  
Scheidt – O, nachbar Roland
Leopoldus I – Regina Coeli

Friday, January 20, 2012

Building Update - following meeting with Stellar

At the Jan. 20, 2012 meeting of the tenant association's executive committee with building manager Lu Pedraza and the super, Carlos Martinez,  we touched on several items:

FIOS v. Time Warner Cable:  Lu is working to get Verizon's FIOS wiring into the building - to provide an alternative to Time Warner Cable. Getting it done is not automatic (although Lu has arranged to wire a few other Stellar buildings) because wiring would have to touch or go through some other neighborhood buildings and those managements need to approve it and get it done.
Carbon Monoxide: If your carbon monoxide monitor is not working, write your name in the book for repairs in the lobby and ask for a free replacement.  If your carbon monoxide alarm goes off while your oven is on, get your stove checked. Carbon monoxide has no smell and can kill you.  Unfortunately, the City Council just voted that landlords may charge $25 for a replacement. So if you can find it cheaper elsewhere, buy it.

Laundry:  Carlos will call Coinmach to get more cards put in the machine for those who lose theirs.  (Carlos also has a few, but they're running low.)  Put your name on your card in magic marker so that if you lose it and an honest neighbor finds it, the card can be returned to you.

Smoking in Stairwells
: Please don't.  Lu was reluctant to put smoke detectors in the stairwells because they go off frequently and that drives many tenants nuts.    
Also, as we have all discovered, both the delicious smells of our neighbors' cooking and the irritating smells of their hobby paints and cigarettes come through the walls - including to the apartments above and below.  So please be considerate:  use an exhaust fan that draws the odors outside.  To make the fan work best, limit the smelly activity to a single room with the door closed and then turn on the exhaust fan.

Intercom List
: Lu has asked Fran Schiff (the Director of  Operations) to OK a revision of the intercom list so that every tenant named on the lease has his or her own listing.  Right now, friends can only find some tenants if they know the last names of their roommates.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Occupy REBNY - Thurs., Jan. 19 at 6 PM

From the Real Rent Reform Campaign and Met Council on Housing:

Occupy REBNY  
(the Real Estate Board of New York) 

outside its meeting at the 
  Thursday, January 19, 2012 at 6 PM
53rd St. and 6th Ave.

Protest REBNY - New York's biggest landlord lobbyist, which is calling for:
  • further weakening our rent regulation laws 
  • millions in tax breaks for developers and landlords 
Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 - NY Hilton Hotel - 6 p.m.
Meet at West 53reet Street & 6th Ave

,D,E to 7th Ave, N,R,Q to 57th St, 
F to 57th St., 1 to 50th Street 

Tenants are the 99%! And if any entity embodies what's wrong with the power of the wealthiest 1%, it's the Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY) New York's largest landlord and developer lobbyist group. This evening they'll be schmoozing the city's and state's top politicians, asking them to further weaken rent-regulations, and to renew of a $257 million per year tax break for landlords. How powerful are these lobbyists? Gov. Andrew Cuomo snuck out for lunch with them last week, and tonight's event will be packed with New York's top politicians and  power brokers. Make sure they hear from tenants, too! Join R3 (including our tenant association, Met Council on Housing,  Tenants & Neighbors and 50 other groups) as we protest for stronger rent laws and for better enforcement of our existing tenant protections!


Rally at REBNY’s Annual Gala to tell them that the 99% will no longer subsidize the 1%

WHO: You, plus many other tenants and advocates for working families

WHAT: Protesting REBNY’s attacks on renting families, weak rent laws, and landlords’ outrageous demand for a quarter BILLION dollar tax break

WHERE: The NY Hilton Hotel, at 53rd St & 6th Ave.

WHEN: TONIGHT - Thursday, January 19th at 6:00 PM

No more massive tax breaks for the 1%! Don’t renew J-51!*
End Vacancy Destabilization of Rent Regulated Apartments
Pass MCI Reforms Now!
Stop the Landlords “Preferential Rent” Scam!

*J-51 is a tax break that landlords get for making improvements to their buildings - on top of federal credits and MCI rent increases.  The good part of J-51 is that tenants in buildings that have them must stay rent regulated while the tax breaks last. (That will not end if J-51 is not renewed.) The bad part is that it is $257 million that the state needs to keep up other services.

Vacancy Destabilization occurs when a landlord "improves" a vacant, rent-regulated apartment and then claims that the improvements have raised the rent above $2000 (through June 2011) or $2500 (after June 2011) - enough to take the apartment out of rent regulation and charge whatever the market will bear. Because of this vacancy decontrol, thousands of apartments become permanently de-regulated every year, and most New Yorkers find the rents hard to pay.

MCI reforms include ending the rent increase for a Major Capital Improvement once the improvement has been paid for, and not permitting MCIs for building maintenance, like brickwork.

Preferential rent exists when the landlord (usually in the outer boroughs) has registered the regulated rent at one level, but charges a particular tenant a lower rent.  That's not bad - unless the landlord then raises the rent back to the original higher rent with a Rent Guidelines increase with a new lease.  The tenant who could afford the original rent then finds she can't afford the new one.