Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Summary of the Sept. 17, 2014 General Tenants Meeting

Click here for a printable summary.

The meeting opened with remembrances of 

Michael Gaye, who died on Sept. 11, 2014 after a swimming accident while on a cruise;

Roberta Fisch, who passed away at home after a long illness – during which she was assisted by her goddaughter Dorienne Tsukuda;

Bobby Timmons, who died of a heart attack at 47.  The son of Delia and Robert Timmons, Bobby grew up in this building.

With the primary elections over, we turned our attention to November and who will be elected to the State Legislature to determine the rent laws when they expire in June 2015.   Speaker Chuck Delaney, a board member of the Tenants Political Action Committee, got us involved –

Thursday, September 11, 2014

General Tenants Meeting: Hear how Who's Elected in Albany Affects YOU

At our General Tenants Meeting on 

WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 17, 2014 at 8 PM
in the Community Room,

Hear Tenants PAC board member Chuck DeLaney talk about how we tenants are affected by who's elected in Albany.

Tenants election Politicians who enact Laws that affect Tenants . . . 

We'll also talk about building issues and how to protect yourself as a tenant. 

All tenants welcome!
Visitors, please RSVP

Bring a chair & a neighbor, and enjoy the refreshments.

Sad news: the Timmonses lost their son, Michael Gaye passed away, and Roberta Fisch has died

Bobby Timmons
This has been a terrible week for our community.

Our condolences to Delia and Robert Timmons who just lost their son Bobby Timmons to a heart attack.  Bobby grew up in this building and has many good friends here.  Our sympathy goes to Bobby's brother Curtis and other family members. 

Bobby's funeral will be  
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Viewing 2-5pm, Funeral 5-9pm
Rivera Funeral Home
Bronx, NY

Our neighbor, Michael Gaye, passed away while on a cruise in the Greek Islands a few days ago.  He became ill while swimming and there was no medical assistance available.

Once his body is brought back back to the United States, funeral arrangements will be made.  Thanks to Josclynne Grier for the photo montage below by Dedra Tate.  

Finally, Roberta Fisch passed away after a very long struggle with cancer. During those many years, she worked as much as she could and kept up a positive attitude.  Condolences go to her family and to her goddaughter Dorienne.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Film screening - one tenant's film about her father

Displaying ALBA's-poster.jpg
Flyer provided by Na'ava Ades, whose father this film is about.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Voting makes a difference.  The NY Primary elections for Democrat candidates for Governor, Lieutenant Governor among other candidates are this coming TUESDAY, SEPT. 9 at P.S. 163 on 97th Street between Columbus and Amsterdam Avenues.  

This can make a difference to tenants:  Will the governor listen to us or prefer big real estate donors?


NY Daily News article on Stellar Management

A New York Daily News concerned Stellar Management: 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Expanding rent regulation to more tenants

è Albany's rent regulation laws expire in June 2015.

è New York City's rent regulation laws expire in March 2015. *

When they're renewed, let's get more for our tenants and all tenants in New York. 

A pending Albany bill could put market-rate tenants in our building back into rent stabilization!   

That bill would give all tenants in this building the same right 
  • to a renewal lease at a rate determined by NYC's Rent Guidelines Board
  • to a rent reduction if services are reduced
  • to permit family members living with them to get the apartment if the original tenant leaves.
Let's work together and make it happen!