Sunday, September 30, 2018

Summary of Sept. 26, 2018 General Tenants Meeting


Come to our annual Trick or Treat for the Tenant Association table on Saturday, Oct. 27, 2018.  Rosa Delgado in Apt .2T will take candy contributions in advance.

Get your flu (and pneumonia and shingles) vaccines. If you have insurance, they’re generally free at the RiteAid, CVS, and Duane Reade.  If you lack insurance, ask our local Assembly Member Daniel O'Donnell's office if there will be free shots offered. 


Six out of 8 members of the Independent Democrat Conference, which caucused with the Republicans in the State Senate, were defeated in the Sept. 13th primaries. With them out of the way, actual Democratic control of the State Senate is possible, depending on November 6th elections. That will affect bills we can get passed when the rent laws are renewed in June 2019. Those bills include tenant costs for MCIs, and whether owners can continue to take vacant apartments out of rent stabilization.  If they couldn't they'd be less motivated to try to get stabilized tenants out, and there would be more stabilized apartments for younger people.  We'll have a meeting on this later. 

SUBMETERING MCI (Major Capital Improvement)

After 6 years, we lost our motion for reconsideration at the state's housing agency.  If we don't appeal, Stellar will bill the tenants of each rent stabilized apartment a one-time retroactive amount of $72.48 per room for 8 months, under the DHCR order. That comes to:
  • $217.44 for a one-bedroom apartment
  • $289.92 for a two-bedroom apartment
  • $362.40 for a three-bedroom apartment.
Since no tenant can be billed more than a 6% increase for an MCI each year, your rent bill would temporarily go up by no more than 6% until that amount is fully paid, and then it would come off your rent bill.


Stellar is hoping the rear balconies will all be completed by some time in November when cold weather halts the work. (Concrete doesn’t set well in cold weather.) Once the balconies are inspected, the scaffolding will be removed and in the Spring installed in front of the building. Tenants  must remove everything from the balconies being worked on.

TRASH TALK with the dynamic Jacquelyn Ottman.   

What’s the big deal?

$$$!! In 2018, $440 million of our tax dollars are being spent to pick up garbage and send it out of state for incineration or burial in a landfill. (Both are banned in NYC for poisoning our air and soil.)  

IF we recycle more, the city will make more money selling the recyclables and spend less on exporting it. We’ll have more money for other programs we want and need. So NYC is trying for no waste sent to landfills or incineration by 2030.  Quicker road repairs, anyone? More money for schools, parks, and more?
Wikimedia Commons
Image result for global warmingThe environment:  Decomposing food in landfills sends out methane gas that heats the climate. (Methane heats 25 times more than carbon dioxide.)

By recycling food waste, NYC can heat homes instead of the climate. 

But I’m so busy, and I just got home from work with a pizza and . . . .

Sunday, September 23, 2018

New time: 8:15 PM for Talking Trash meeting this Wed., Sept. 26, 2018


of the 
Manhattan Solid Waste Advisory Board 

at our next

General Tenants Meeting
Wed., Sept. 26, 2018 at 8:15 PM (new time!)
in the Community Room.

To learn something about the topic in advance, check out

We'll also talk about building issues and (a little) about the past election. 

Bring a friend!

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Wed. Sept. 26 - General Tenants Meeting at 8:15

Let's not feed the NYC Trash Monster.

Hear Jacquelyn Ottman of the Manhattan Solid Waste Advisory Board talk trash at our next

General Tenants Meeting
Wed., Sept. 26 at 8:15 PM
in the Community Room.

To learn something about the topic in advance, check out

We'll also talk about building issues and (a little) about the past election. 

Bring a friend!

Friday, September 7, 2018

Trash talk: Where does our garbage go, and how can we make things better?

Hear Jacquelyn Ottman, a member of the 
Image result for trash talk
Max Pixel image
Manhattan Solid Waste Advisory Board* 

 Where it goes 
    How that affects us
        What we can do about it.

at our next GENERAL 
Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2018 at 8 PM
in the Community Room.

Refreshments (of course).  Bring a friend and a neighbor!


*The Manhattan Solid Waste Advisory Board (MSWAB) – a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization – is a joint creation of the City Council and the Borough President, dedicated to increasing recycling, reducing solid waste, and advancing solid waste policy in New York City. The Board is composed of waste and recycling industry experts and concerned citizens, nominated by sitting Board members or Council Members and appointed by the Manhattan Borough President’s Office.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Stay Fit: This Sunday: Free Yoga Class, then Monday: ShapeUp NY.

5:30 PM Take a weekend breather with a free Yoga Class. 


Sunday, July 22, 2018

Stretch your bodies and your mind. 3 activities coming up!

MONDAY, JULY 23, 2018

6:00 PM  ShapeUp NYC in the Community Room 

Learn what's proposed for 97th Street between Columbus and Amsterdam Avenue, what it means for us and what we might do.  Social worker, nursing home expert, and neighbor (across the street) Cathy Unsino will present some information, and then we'll share questions and suggestions. 

5:30 PM Take a weekend breather with a free Yoga Class. 

Saturday, May 26, 2018



Pot Luck Planners Maxine Soares, Debbie Gonzalez, and Lydia Pitsirilos who 
oversaw the event, bought supplies, set up the party, replenished the food and drink, collected trash, and cleaned up! Lydia did the decorations.

Click here for a PHOTO ALBUM.  to which you can add your own photos. 


CS and Vernon Smith for major setting up, with the help of Cary Webb and Letty Orellano

to DJ Bobby Moorhead for making everyone tap their feet - or merengue;

to Pat Jordan and Joan Browne for phoning tenants and to Pat for bringing food to the doorman and to homebound tenants, and for cleaning up;

to Joan Browne, Melanie Eversley, Frank Leonardo, Kitty Rivera, and Ray von Dohren for greeting people and signing them in; 

to Laura Koulish and Tish Howard for food distribution and clean-up during the dinner;

to the post-dinner clean-up crew, including Joan Browne, Melanie Eversley, Barbara Garson, Pat Jordan, Laura Koulish, Steve Koulish, Sean Lynch, Wyona Purcell, CS, and Vernon Smith;

to Na'ava Ades and CS for the children's table, art supplies and toys, and