Sunday, April 24, 2022

Spring is blooming with activities

Our tenant association is busy this month - and you can be too.


  •  Email campaign to the Rent Guidelines Board for no increase: (Preliminary vote: May 5th!)
  • Tulips at the West Side Community Garden, 10 am-6 PM,
    90th St. between Columbus & Amsterdam, to May 6th.
    Dana Hutchinson, CC BY 3.0 <>
    via Wikimedia Commons

THURSDAY, MAY 5, 2022: 

Redistricting – What is it, how does it affect us, and what can we do about it?  Presentation by Citizen’s Union, co-sponsored by our tenant association with the Park West Village Tenant Association and the Westgate Tenant Association. On Zoom:   On Computer or smart phone:

By phone:  646- 876 9923,   Meeting ID: 831 1124 9427

 WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 2022:


 WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 2022:


STATE SENATE CANDIDATE’S DEBATE on Zoom. Representatives of our tenant association with the Park West Village Tenant Association will interview Cordell Cleare (who replaced Brian Benjamin when he became Lt. Gov. – before he was arrested), and her opponent, Shana Harmangoff for the full term of our State Senate seat. 

Our next General Tenants Meeting will be mid June.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Valentine's Day Fundraiser a Success!

Thanks to Rosa Delgado, Debbie Gonzalez, CS, and Joan Browne and to all the tenants who contributed to our (pre) Valentine's Day Fundraiser in the lobby this past Saturday.

We raised over $2600 for our tenant association!

Our treasurer Joan Browne in 12F thanks you and we all thank you!  

We are stronger together. 

Sad News: Vernon Smith has died.

The Central Park Gardens Tenants’ Association mourns the loss of  our long-time friend and neighbor


A retired social worker, Vernon was for many decades     the “do-er” of the tenant association, quietly putting up notices, setting out chairs and tables, and more.  He was a good friend to many tenants and to the building staff.

We extend heartfelt condolences to his daughter Holly Raby, his cousin Kerry Jones, and the rest of his family.

 The wake and funeral are being scheduled.